I appreciate today how important the elderly are in our society. Through their experience over the years spent on this earth they are really one of the biggest contributors for a stronger and happier society. Nature herself teaches us that age demands dignity and honor. The older the redwoods, the more majestic they look, the older wines and cheeses are, the more they are praised and honored for taste.
Chat with a grand pa for an hour and you will get all the wisdom of the world. Tell a grand ma about any of your aches/ colds / fevers /stomach upsets and she will give you the best home remedies. To me these remedies chased away, whatever I had, faster than any other doctor’s prescription.
The young may think the elderly do not have any feelings and may try to hurt them, but many a times, I have seen that they have become so powerful from inside that they continue to love us regardless of our treatment to them.
The sad thing is despite being so kind and helpful they are often one of the most vulnerable ones in the society. Hence, this month I would like to donate to the charity “Village Development Centre” in India. In just 1400 INR you can sponsor a set of clothes and three months ration for a poor elderly person.
Link to online donation option ->
With all the things that the elderly offered, this is just a token of my deepest gratitude for them.